Pigmentua 149-Corimax Red 3580
Produktuen parametroen zerrenda
Kolorearen indizea zk. | Pigmentu gorria 149 |
Produktuaren izena | Corimax Red 3580 |
Produktuen kategoria | Pigmentu Organikoa |
Argiaren azkartasuna (estaldura) | 7 |
Beroarekiko erresistentzia | 200 |
Argiaren azkartasuna (plastikoa) | 7-8 |
Beroarekiko erresistentzia (plastikoa) | 280 |
Kolore | ![]() |
Tenu banaketa |
Ezaugarriak: gardenagoak.
Automozioko pintura, pintura industrialak, hautsa estaldurak, inprimatzeko pastak, PVC, kautxua, PS, PP, PE, PU, uretan oinarritutako tinta, disolbatzaile tinta, UV tinta.
Estaldura arkitektonikoetarako, bobinen estaldurarako, tinta konpentsatuetarako gomendatua.
Lotutako informazioa
English name: pigment red 149
English alias: 71137; CI Pigment Red 149; Perylene tetracarboxylic acid-bis (3.5-dimethylphenyl) imide; 2,9-bis (3,5-dimethylphenyl) isoquino [4 ', 5', 6 ': 6,5,10 ] anthra [2,1,9-def] isoquinoline-1,3,8,10 (2H, 9H) -tetrone
CAS number: 4948-15-6
EINECS number: 225-590-9
Molecular formula: C40H26N2O4
Molecular weight: 598.6454
InChI: InChI = 1 / C40H26N2O4 / c1-19-13-20 (2) 16-23 (15-19) 41-37 (43) 29-9-5-25-27-7-11-31-36- 32 (40 (46) 42 (39 (31) 45) 24-17-21 (3) 14-22 (4) 18-24) 12-8-28 (34 (27) 36) 26-6-10- 30 (38 (41) 44) 35 (29) 33 (25) 26 / h5-18H, 1-4H3
Egitura Molekularra
Ezaugarri fisikoak eta kimikoak:
Hue edo kolore argia: urdin argia gorria
Relative density: 1.39
Bulk density / (lb / gal): 11.7
Melting point / ℃:> 450
Batez besteko partikulen tamaina / μm: 0,07
Specific surface area / (m2 / g): 59 (Red B)
Oil absorption / (g / 100g): 66
Estaltzeko potentzia: gardena
Produktuaren erabilera
CI Pigmentu gorria 149 is pure with a slight blue light red, not only has high tinting strength (using 0.15% concentration, 1 / 3SD can be obtained, while Pigment Red 123 with a slight blue light requires 20% higher pigment concentration), but also has excellent Thermal stability. Polyolefins can be processed at 300 ° C during coloring, and have excellent migration resistance in soft PVC; it is also suitable for coloring polyacrylonitrile and polypropylene stocks, and the light fastness can reach 7-8 when the concentration is 0.1% -3%.