Pigmentu morea 29-Corimax 5011 morea
Produktuen parametroen zerrenda
Kolorearen indizea zk. | Pigmentu morea 29 |
Produktuaren izena | Corimax Violeta 5011 |
Produktuen kategoria | Pigmentu Organikoa |
Argiaren azkartasuna (estaldura) | 7 |
Beroarekiko erresistentzia | 200 |
Argiaren azkartasuna (plastikoa) | 7-8 |
Beroarekiko erresistentzia (plastikoa) | 290 |
Kolore | ![]() |
Tenu banaketa |
Automobilgintzarako pintura, pintura arkitektonikoa, pintura industriala, hauts-pintura, inprimatzeko pasta, PVC, kautxua, PS, PP, PE, PU, offset tinta, uretan oinarritutako tinta, disolbatzaile tinta, UV tinta.
Bobina estalduretan aplikatu daiteke.
As a high-performance colorant supplier, Zeya not only provides high-quality purple organic pigments, but also provides the following products: Pigment yellow 183, Pigment yellow 151, Pigmentu horia 191, etc. These yellow pigments have a high sales volume and are widely used. If you are interested in these products, you can visit the product page for details.