Pigmentu horia 192-Corimax Horia RL
Technical parameters of Pigment yellow 192
Kolorearen indizea zk. | Pigmentu horia 192 |
Produktuaren izena | Corimax Yellow RL |
Produktuen kategoria | Pigmentu Organikoa |
CAS zenbakia | 56279-27-7 |
Argiaren azkartasuna (estaldura) | 7-8 |
Beroarekiko erresistentzia | 200 |
Argiaren azkartasuna (plastikoa) | 7-8 |
Beroarekiko erresistentzia (plastikoa) | 300 |
Kolore | ![]() |
Tenu banaketa |
Ezaugarri fisikoak eta kimikoak
Forma: hautsa
Kolorea: horia
Usain: usainik gabe
Segurtasunerako garrantzitsuak diren datuak
Uretan disolbagarritasuna: disolbaezina
Suitable for nylon.
Automobilgintzarako pintura, pintura arkitektonikoa, pintura industriala, hauts-pintura, inprimatzeko pasta, PVC, kautxua, PS, PP, PE, PU, offset tinta, uretan oinarritutako tinta, disolbatzaile tinta, UV tinta.
Bobina estalduretan aplikatu daiteke.
Pigment Yellow 192 is used in several industries where high-performance yellow colors are needed:
1. Paints and Coatings:
Architectural coatings: Used in exterior paints because of its excellent lightfastness and weather resistance.
Industrial coatings: In automotive or machinery coatings where durability is critical.
Decorative paints: Applied in art supplies and various decorative coatings.
2. Inks:
Printing Inks: Used in offset and flexographic printing inks for producing high-quality yellow hues in magazines, brochures, and packaging.
Inkjet Inks: Can be found in digital printing applications, particularly for vibrant yellow printing.
3. Plastics and Polymers:
Used to color plastic items like toys, packaging materials, and consumer goods, especially those intended for outdoor use due to the pigment’s lightfastness.
PY192 is sometimes used for coloring textiles, though azo pigments can be less common in this field due to regulatory concerns about some azo compounds.
4. Cosmetics and Personal Care:
In some cases, it can be used in cosmetic formulations, but the pigment must meet safety and regulatory standards for such uses.
Environmental and Health Considerations
Azo pigments, including PY192, are sometimes subject to regulation in various regions due to concerns over the release of aromatic amines, which can be toxic or carcinogenic in certain forms. However, most modern azo pigments like PY192 are considered to be safe under normal conditions of use, particularly in materials like paints and plastics, where the pigment is bound in a matrix and is not free to leach out. Regulations such as REACH (EU) and TSCA (US) may apply, ensuring that pigments used in consumer products are safe.
Handling and storage
Suaren eta leherketen aurkako babesari buruzko aholkuak
Mantendu su-iturrietatik urrun
Saihestu hautsak sortzea
Hartu prebentzio-neurriak karga elektrostatikoen aurrean
Leku aireztatu, fresko eta lehor batean gorde behar da, azidoarekin ukitzea ere saihestu behar da
materiala eta airera jarri. Mantendu ontzia lehorra